Body Shaping and Skin Tightening Explained

Body shaping or body contouring, refers to both surgical and non-surgical procedures that improve specific areas of the body. In the past, surgical techniques intended to alter body shape were limited to full plastic surgery, yet today a variety of other much less invasive techniques are available. A healthy diet and regular exercise do not guarantee a slim, well shaped body. Many healthy people are frustrated by areas of their body that stubbornly hang onto fat giving them an unflattering body shape. Body shaping offers a method to reduce fat deposits in these specific areas giving the body an overall healthy and proportionate appearance. Liposuction is a minimal surgical procedure that removes localized fat resistant to exercise or diet. Areas of the body suitable for liposuction include the abdomen, buttocks, thighs, neck and the backs of the arms. Many procedures can be performed under local anesthesia. The standard method of liposuction uses a hallow tube with suction. Other techniques combine the suction with laser energy (liposculpting), vibration, or ultrasound to name a few. Non-surgical alternatives to liposuction use cold or sound to eliminate unwanted fat. Cryolipolysis, applies controlled cooling to subcutaneous fat tissue to destroy these adipocytes without incurring damage to the overlying skin or surrounding area. Once these fat cells are crystallized they are removed by the body’s own processes. Ultrasound is also used to remove unwanted fat. High-intensity focused ultrasound is capable of targeting a specific layer of fat for removal. This technique is completely non-invasive allowing the body to absorb the destroyed fat cells over a period of 8 to 12 weeks.